
Showing posts from 2017

Aerospace is life

Aerospace is life where you come with a mindset of success You go in there and do your best Life come with success and let downs Life is when you you try your best and have turn arounds Life is where you work your hardest Aerospace is where you work your smartest

Review on " The Sorrow of War"

          My review on sorrow of war was that the book has very interesting facts inside of the main story. The story line of Kien's encounter's  with his high school lover and other he met along the way during the war. The book tells a story about a man in the Vietnam army whos fighting a war and going through emotional problems. Kien is your protagonist in the book. He plays a role of helping his fellow companions in the army and find the love of his life. The story teaches you about what each individual went through and how they are special and the people they are special to.  The book has value meanings to it and some great quotes that indicates specific meaning to each one said.      

Sorrow of War (Sunday's Reading :125-146)

“Our era is over. From now on you have to grow up, fight the battle alone. New times are coming splendid and magnificent and trouble-free times. No more sadness." pg. 126 4th paragraph “You're afraid aren't you " pg. 133 5th paragraph Quote #1 question 1-“Our era is over. From now on you have to grow up, fight the battle alone. New times are coming splendid and magnificent and trouble-free times. No more sadness" connects to the social media and how everything has changed over the years and newer things are coming out. Question 2-The quote theme is progress Quote #2 question 1-The quote theme is nervous Question 2-“You're  afraid aren't you" quote indicates conflict by a person pointing out your bad side and asking you questions on the deal of you being so afraid.

Sorrow of War : (Saturdays Reading: 105-125)

“Life is here, death is also here" pg. 118 2nd paragraph “ I'll produce a masterpiece one day. Just wait" pg. 125 2nd paragraph Quote #1 question 1- “Life is here, death is also here connects to life situations like you are living but at the same time you do not know when you are going to die because life does not hint at you. Question 2-  The theme for the first quote is different. Quote #2 question 1-“ I'll produce a masterpiece one day. Just wait!" indicates conflict by saying that the man is going to do his best to accomplish his goal and make his own masterpiece to feel proud of himself. Question 2- “I'll produce a masterpiece, Just wait! " connects to when you are doubting someone about their talents and skills and comes out that they ended up proving you wrong for doubting.

Sorrow of War: (Friday's Reading:85-105)

“Death is another life, a different kind than we know here a calm,  tranquility,  and real freedom" pg. 90 2nd paragraph “Go down into the yard with your hands up" pg. 105 4th paragraph Quote #1 question 1 - “Go down into the yard with your hands up" indicates conflict by stating that a man has a gun and telling him to go to the yard with his hands up or he is going to suffer the consequences. Question 2-“Go down to the yard " quote does provide details on the setting by stating that Kien is going to be lured into the yard. Quote #2 question 1 - “Death is another life,  a different kind of than we know on here a calm, tranquility,  and real freedom " quote characterize Kien. The way the quote characterize Kien by him stating about how much he wanted to end his life and how he gave up on everything and thinking killing himself will resolve his problems. Question #2 -“Death is another life,  a different kind of than we know here a calm,  tranquility, an

Sorrow of War : (Thursday Reading pg.64-85)

“Do you know what life it is you've brought into your home" pg.71 last paragraph “At least we're much stronger compared to those days" pg. 75 2nd paragraph Quote #1 question 1-The “at least we're much stronger compared to those days" quote connects to times like when you are on working by yourself and your friend working on the same project as you. The best thing to do for that is to work togetherto get the  job done quicker and progressive. Question 2- The conflict  for the quote is by saying that working alone is not the only way to get the job done. Quote #2 question 1-The “Do you know what life you've brought into your home" quote  indicate conflict by stating that she has a meaning to her and wants Kien to know who life he posseses. Question 2- “Do you know what life you've brought into your home " quote connects to when you bring over strangers or unknown people inside your house and does not know what they are capable of.

How to act appropriately in class

The best way to act properly in class is by focusing on what the teacher says,  and making sure you due your assignments when necessary. If you have homework after school it is best to get it done before class because you will not have anytime to do it when he calls up for it.  Other ways you can act appropriate in class by not socializing  with everyone inside the classroom when the teacher is talking because it will cost you. Ways that it will cost you is by write up, parent conference, suspension,  or getting expelled. The next part of acting appropriately in class is by doing things teachers do not have to tell you to do. Such as,  Doing extra work or working ahead of the class because you can know more about the topic without being lost. The more you know about a subject the teacher have not gone over yet can boost your learning and by helping you throughout the long run of the course your taking because you have trained yourself to improving your learning skills.

Outside is where nature grows

Outside is where nature grows You walk outside and feel the wind blow All types of different flowers Where the rain comes in and gives them showers The scent of lavender smells sweet The way how the flower looks is unique Outside is a great place to have fun Unless you run into bees or wasp and get stung

Can Phones be Educational Tools?

 Phones can be used for educational purposes because an individual can go online and do research.An individual  can also go on their phones to do a game like kahoot,which is an educational game for educational purposes and brings students more to learning. The bad way for students being on their phone is by getting onto social media and getting sidetracked at the same time when they should be doing their work. The best solution for this is getting students involved into online activities which helps them learn more about the lesson but on their own devices.

Hervey Chapman's gift to the trail

From  what I've learned from this article was that Hervey  enjoyed the PCT.  He had many encounters and experiences within the PCT.  His cousin gave him a association to become a member of the PCT an so on Hervey started doing work over there an helping civilians out to learn more about the trail.  Hervey went to the U. S army an did workshop and he built things over there. Questions: Why Was The PCT so important to Hervey? What part of the trail he loved the most? What caused Harvey's death?

First two weeks of School

My first week of school went well. The classes I took within that first week, I had friends in there to talk to. My teachers seem cool with the students, all they want me to do is my work an that's it. On the 8th, I met up with everybody an my friends gave me hugs, an missed me since the summer. The classes I took was alright but I knew that I really need to pickup the pace if I wanted to pass this year.  My second week of school. I met new people an getting myself out there an breaking out that not talking to new people thing. I talked quiet girls, met up with friends that I haven't talked to in awhile, an other things.  But, as for school work I did them an it's going well with my teachers. I hung out with friends after classes an was doing me. My academic year is going good so far so I'm going to keep it up an enjoy my junior year.


Welcome I'm James Cade Jr. ,  I am a 16   year old junior attending Ben C. Rain high school .The things that I like are getting involved with new things around me an discovering new experiences that goes on in other places,I like sports an I've tried out a few myself an I really enjoyed them until some things didn't go as I expected, I love playing  video games,  an I just mainly enjoy the outdoors.The way I want this 2017-2018 school year  to go is that I  want to do well  in every course that I take an I want to get an 4.0 G.P.A this year I know it's  hard to accomplish that goal but I'm willing to do so.I hope  everyone do their work an  we make it in the top 10 schools of Mobile County Public School System. I want to help  out my fellow classmates succeed this year an we can make it to the top.