
Showing posts from 2018

No Fear King Lear Act 1 Scene 2&3 reflection

 Act 1; Scene 2: In Scene , Edmund wanted to speak on his behalf of how bastard kids have a purpose in life rather than being treated any lower than a kid who was born from a married couple. Edmund talked about how Edgar should not try to make himself any higher than Edmund due to the fact that Edmund was made through passion instead of a routine the parents went through the process of.  Act 1; Scene 3: Goneril talked to Oswald about how much impact of her father actions are affecting the people.

Psalm 127 Analysis

      Psalms 127 talked on how God was in peoples lives and what the roles hey took on while doing that. People called the Lord their Guardian cause of the way he was on the side of him watching every move he make and making sure he/she is on the right track. Lord will give you help but its up to you to keep him in your life to keep you from harm.      Psalms 127 gives a brief explanation on how others looked at God as someone they could count on during difficult times or phases in their lives. lord protects us from evil by making us believe in him so they can get through major obstacles in their  life to better their future.  

Infant Joy & Infant Sorrow

  Infant joy: talks more on how aan infant sees the world for themselves. Infants may not know to much but they know just enough to get around and they are constantly searching for joyful things to be entertained by. Infant Sorrow: Discuss on what makes an infant cry. There are multiple ways this could happen to infants cause of how they perceive the world in their own way. Infants have reasons to why they act out and when infants sorrow they are in pain          Comparison: Both of  poems gave a brief view of how each mood of an infant can change the mother and fathers view. Infants have their days where you cannot tell if they are happy or sad because they change their moods quick due to infants mind still developing.

Reader Profile

Me as a reader, I have both strengths and  when it comes to reading. My strengths are analyzing the specific detail to help me out with a question, when I read I also make notes in my head and write them down on a sheet of paper to go back to it when I need help. One of my biggest weaknesses is getting side tracked, by reading at night I could read for a solid 30 mins. But I see my game console and I would play almost all night and forget about what I was suppose to do. The other weakness I have is procrastinating alot and getting on the phone. Reading serves me alot in my life and it made me think critically  and smarter when it comes down to tough situations, it also trains my brain to have more vocabulary to solve questions that I would not usually understand. My passions for reading is getting to understand what the author means by the informatiin he provudes in the book and how the story could be interesting to read where it can keep me going. My peeves on reading is getting th

Reflection on A Worn Path

     This story really touched me talking about how Phoenix academic wise and her heart really determined her. She was a brave woman and really stood up to make sure her family is in good health and will not stop until she says so. To me she is a very independent ,outstanding, and a strong black woman who takes on leader traits that really makes her stand out from other women. She has came encountered with a white man that talked to her about herself and she basically wanted to know where it was to get to the hospital to check up on her grandson and she knew the place was far but she was still determined to make it.      I really loved how the book keeps you going and making you want more of it and the story showed a lot and how people personalities are within the story. It was very sad on how her grandson was dealing with sore throat but also how uneducated Phoenix was. She tried her best to fond medicine for him it was just nobody had the right kind. But,  she still was able to be

Reflection on The Rockpile

     From what I have learned on The Rockpile, that it was a phenomal short-story dealing with the life of 2 younger boys,  and what they do and go through.Some of the pages talked more about how it is to be different from the family by talking about the obstacles that John faced during his childhood life for dealing with his stepfather known as Greg. The experiences that was faced with Roy was minimum because he was the younger child who has influences while  dealing with his older brother and they have  stuck together with troubles they have been causing throughout the town and mistakes they make at their house. The story brought out the peoples character, mindset, and charisma dealing with certain situations going on with The Rockpile. There was a lady who had a son and he has had a strange dear to me and I understood why she did not want anybody child over there.      For the entire story of The Rockpile the book taught on how to be brave and stay strong throughout life because th

Reflection on a Lesson Before Dying

The last chapters of A Lesson Before Dying told the readers about how Grant was still trying to teach Jefferson how to accomplish on being a man and he has finally accomplished his goal but it took a hurt on him seeing how close they have gotten. The last chapter when Grant knew it was fixing to be over he could not dare see the disturbing memory and until this day Grant still hears the sound of the generator. That showed us how valuable it is to keep out of doing the wrong things or it might have major consequences added to it. A Lesson Before Dying to me was a fantastic book and it had a great storyline that played along with switching perspectives and showing how it is in 2 people lives and how they have each ended up int the situation in the present. The book had meanings to it and they stood for a good purpose to know exactly what they did and how they did it.

Advice for Grant

Dear Mr. Grant, I have read your help letter and I have some answers for you that may help you out. First,  it is a difficult time for him because he is on his death bed going into the Electrocution chair. Seems to me that he is having anxiety, depression and emotionally problems which he is not healthy in his mental state. Second,  try to talk a little more to him to calm him down to let him know that someone is there to be there no matter what the circumstances are. Finally,  make sure he is well-fed because he will need his nutrients and vitamins, try to  do something to soothe his mind so he can at least attempt to dlhelp himself.Hope this helps you Mr. Grant Sincerely from, Advice Comunist